Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Over the past few weeks I had to create a Art ditrection quicktime movie. I suddenly came down with a cold, which took away my energy. My movie suffered, but the good news is that I'm feeling better now. I went to the doctor and my condition is improving. I have posted a link to movie. I had major issues, so please feel free to offer any suggestions.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

My 5 Storytelling Ideas for short stories or films

Listed below are my 5 Storytelling Ideas.
1. Nicky and Will took a late night stroll at the local park. As the Fall weather started to blow, Nicky noticed a pair of gloves with blood laying on the sidewalk. Nicky’s eye’s suddenly got big and her heart started to pound. Will took her hand, turned them around and started running to the car to go home.
2. Brian has always had a pretty boring and basic job as a computer data associate, which he secretly hates and mumbles negative jokes about everyone that works in the data department. One Thursday afternoon, Brian noticed we had a new member of the team. She was a tall and attractive brunette named Sarah. Sarah was assigned the cubicle next to Brian, which he suddenly started to talk more, dress better and smile. After that first day, Brian always came to work with a smile on his face and greeted everyone, never cracking a negative joke again.
3. Mary and her 6 newborn ducks swamped at a local inner city lake. Mary had noticed one day that the humans that lived near by started to go fishing and dumping toxic things in the water she and the children uses everyday. Mary started to worry that the toxic and humans will harm her children, so she took them around the neighbor looking for fresh and abandoned water.
4. Millie and Dilly was sitting on a park bench on a Sunday afternoon. As they watched the other children play with their parents, they noticed their mom and dad were not around to play with them. Millie and Dilly only had each other, which they started to wonder why their parents never played with them at the park. The children started to pout their lips and water filled their eyes as they gazed at the other children.
5. Pete had a pet rock named Paul that his dad gave him from the shores of Australia. Pete took Paul everywhere he went. One day, Pete’s class took a field trip to the Zoo, where all the children were excited to see all the animals and exhibits. Pete reached down in his pocket to show Paul the animals, but Paul was not there. Pete started to panic. He started to retrace his steps of where he could have dropped Paul…….

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

This is a test picture. Please bare with me. I am still learning how to work the Adobe photoshop.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Interactivity & Storytelling

I believe that all living species such as humans, animals and insects "Eyes" are interactive objects connected to their body mass, which can also tell a range of stories.

The "eyes" are interactive controlled objects, which living and breathing species use daily to communicate in any situation. An example of a story by using "eyes": As Bill entered the room moving faster than lighting, Sara and Tara started to gaze at him which revealed their excitement.
The 'Eyes" are the window to the soul. They help communicate in various ways such as revealing one's current state of mind, emotions, identity, age, physical appearance and can be used as a way of talking in code by blinking.